Welcome to the home of Infantry Veterans

Welkom by die tuiste van Infanterie Veterane



Welkom by die Suid-Afrikaanse Infanterievereniging (SAIV), 'n Vereninging wat in 1985 gestig is om 'n tuiste te bied vir veterane om hul ervarings te deel en sosiale interaksie te geniet. By die SAIV glo ons daarin om die diens en opoffering van ons militêre veterane te vereer deur 'n ondersteunende en verwelkomende omgewing te skep waar hulle met mekaar kan skakel en kameraadskap kan vind. Ons missie is om te verseker dat geen veteraan ooit alleen of vergete voel nie, en ons streef daarna om 'n gevoel van behoort en eenheid te bevorder onder diegene wat ons land gedien het. Hier by SAIV waardeer ons die unieke perspektiewe en stories wat elke veteraan na ons gemeenskap bring. Of jy nou op soek is na geselskap, ondersteuning, of bloot 'n plek om terug te dink oor jou tyd in die weermag, SAIV is hier vir jou. Ons verbintenis om veterane te dien, strek verder as net die verskaffing van 'n ruimte vir sosiale interaksie. Sluit by SAIV aan terwyl ons voortgaan met ons missie om ons militêre veterane te vereer en te ondersteun. Saam kan ons 'n beter toekoms skep vir almal wat ons land dapper gedien het.

Welcome to the South African Infantry Association (SAIA), an Association established in 1985 to provide a home for veterans to share their experiences and enjoy social interaction. At the SAIA, we believe in honoring the service and sacrifice of our military veterans by creating a supportive and welcoming environment where they can connect with one another and find camaraderie. Our mission is to ensure that no veteran ever feels alone or forgotten, and we strive to foster a sense of belonging and unity among those who have served our country. Here at SAIA, we value the unique perspectives and stories that each veteran brings to our community. Whether you are looking for companionship, support, or simply a place to reminisce about your time in the military, SAIA is here for you. Our commitment to serving veterans goes beyond just providing a space for social interaction. Join us at SAIA as we continue our mission of honoring and supporting our military veterans. Together, we can create a brighter future for all those who have bravely served our country.